



Conference with Justinian partners


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Bhutan colleague you can Trust. First
law firm since
30 June 1996.

Working Hours

  • weekdays9:00 am-5:00 pm
  • Sat 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
  • Sundays & Govt. Holidays Closed

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“Rule of law involves fair administration of justice and non-arbitrary exercise of power by those in authority and the undisputed regard and compliance of the laws by the people, His Majesty the King of Bhutan”

Our Services


Mark is any visible sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from others. They can be distinctive words, marks, features, or the combination of words, letters, symbols, etc. Protection of Trademarks/service marks in Bhutan is provided by registration and remedies claimable in case of infringement.


A patent is a title granted by the government to protect an invention. An invention may be or may relate to a product or a process or it is a right granted to a person that has invented a useful article or that has improved upon the existing one to a news article or the products.


Industrial Design is the appearance of a product. It may be of lines or colors or any three-dimensional form or material, particular shape, etc. It is especially for brand development and sales. It may also be used to improve the product's marketability and production.


Copyright is a right to do. It protects the literary and artistic "works" of human intellect. National laws grant the copyright owners their "exclusive rights" to use the work or to authorize others to use their work.


A domain name is an internet identity, unique to the owner. Domain Name System (DNS) was developed to know every computer connected to the internet has its own identity. It's like a telephone or mobile number to be identified easily. People buy domain names to protect their identity and register it to legalize their use.


It can be understood as an investigation, research, and analysis of an entity or an individual, including the legal bases of transactions like a contract, loans, property, and employment, verifying the financial information provided, and assessing the underlying performances of the business.


Litigation is a final remedy to a dispute between the parties or a contest in a Court of law where a judge gives a decision after hearing of the parties. Parties may, therefore, represent the case themselves or hire the services of the law firm or the advocate to make a race in the court of law.


a) Arbitration: It is the process of dispute settlement by a neutral thirty party, an arbitrator or arbitrator (s), whose decision is binding to the parties. The situation, in this case, would be Winner-Looser. b) Mediation: It is a voluntary and non-confrontational process in which parties make decisions engaging the assistance of a neutral person called the mediator without going to the court and both the parties would be in a Win-Win situation.


This includes Corporate and Business Income Tax preparation, filing, Profit loss and account, advice on new office setup, business proposal write-ups, internal audit, etc.


We also service in business law, foreign direct investment, company registration, due diligence, regulatory surveys, licensing, joint ventures, tax law, labour law, consumer protection, banking, immigration, visa, family law, employment law, insurance, land, bad debt, contractual beach, tourism, tobacco-related, property ownership, education, telecom, mobile, plant variety protection, and meet any other client's requirements.


Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind into tangible assets such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; symbols, names, and images in commerce.

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