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Policy Statement
The nation’s long-term development is guided by the concept of maximizing Gross National Happiness (GNH). The spirit and intent is to “maximize the happiness of all Bhutanese and to enable them to achieve their full and innate potential as human beings”. This is envisaged through the adoption of policies and programs that operationalizes the nine domains of GNH namely living standards, health, education, good governance, ecological diversity and resilience, time use, psychological wellbeing, cultural diversity and resilience, and community vitality. In pursuance of the above, the Royal Government first adopted the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy in 2002. Taking cognizance of the changes in the economic and business environment, the Policy was periodically revised. Towards making the Policy more relevant and investor-friendly, the Royal Government hereby adopts the FDI Policy, 2019.
Focus Areas
Development of green and sustainable economy. Promotion of socially responsible and ecologically friendly industries. Promotion of culturally and spiritually sensitive industries. Promotion of Brand Bhutan. Creation of a knowledge society. Diversification of economy for exports and import substitution.
Repatriation of capital
Foreign investors shall have the right to repatriate their invested capital and any capital gains secured, in the currency of investment.